Exhibition Bascharage (L) 23.05.2015

Rose Wanted I Am The Captain of My Soul

Catalog No: 0
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Jerome Papin (F)

Rose Wanted I Was Born On A Friday Thirteen

Catalog No: 0
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jerome Papin (F)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R

Heart of Dark Angels Camillo Don

Catalog No: 7
Rating: vv1
Class: Minor Puppy
Judge: Jerome Papin (F)
Written critics: Type: exc., Head: exc., Bite: exc., Topline: exc., Forequarters: exc., Hindquarters exc., Coat: exc., Movement: sg, Temperament: exc.

Darth Vader vom Versetal

Catalog No: 14
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Jerome Papin (F)
Written critics: Type: exc, Head: exc., Bite: sg, Top Line: exc., Forequarters: exc, Hindquarters: sg, Coat: ex., Movement: exc., Temperament: sg

Moos van de Bloemenjungle

Catalog No: 17
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen schwarz
Judge: Jerome Papin (F)
Anwartschaft: CACL

Mister Mojo van de Bloemenjungle

Catalog No: 34
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jerome Papin (F)
Anwartschaft: CACL

Teddy van ´t Amelterbos

Catalog No: 37
Rating: V1
Class: Offene schwarz-weiss
Judge: Jerome Papin (F)
Anwartschaft: CACL
Written critics: Type: exc., Head: exc., Bite: exc., Top line: exc., Forequarters: exc., Hindquarters: exc., Coat: exc., Movement: exc., Temperament: exc.

Victoria vom Trieberg

Catalog No: 494
Rating: V4
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jerome Papin (F)